Soft Matter Nanoscopy Lab
Lee Research Group@GIST
(고분자 나노소재 나노스코피 연구실)
Ⅰ. Self-Assembled Organic & Hybrid Nanomaterials
X-induced Molecular Self-Assembly
- Spatio/temporal TEM imaging for hierarchical self-assembly
- Chiro-optics with supramolecular chirality
- Photovoltaics with conjugated polymer assembly
- Cryopreservation supramolecular agents with antifreeze protein assembly
- Gas-therapeutic, theranostic nanoagent with peptide assembly
Our group focuses on the development of state-of-the-art nanomaterials based on the self-assembly of synthetically designed organic block molecules, ranging from small- to macromolecules (e.g. peptides, polymers) that can address the fundamental problems and the issues related to health, energy, and environment. In particular, harnessing solution-assembly of conjugated polymers to construct heterojunction crystalline nanowires could facilitate the fabrication of optoelectronic devices, especially photovoltaic cells, in scalable and cost-effective ways. Along this line, we rationally design organic conjugated block scaffolds by molecular engineering and programming, apply self-assembly nanotechnology to develop well-defined nanostructures in multi-length scales, and identify the newly discovered physical, optical, electrical, and mechanical properties. Lastly, an in-depth understanding of molecular self-assemblies by using TEM (including cryogenic-TEM (cryo-TEM), TEM tomography (TEMT), and in-situ liquid phase TEM (LP-TEM)) will provide an insight into the development of nature-inspired complex nanostructures/systems. The synergetic effects of rational synthesis, sophisticated fabrication, and cutting-edge characterization will facilitate creative research.
Ⅱ. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) for Soft Matter
Understanding the correlation of organic and macromolecular nanomaterials and their chemical, mechanical, optical, and electrical is critical for industrial application and contributes greatly to the development of new, commercialized materials. Accordingly, Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), which provides spatial information with the scattering and diffracting methods that enable average structural analysis, is strongly established as a key analytical tool in the field of nanomaterials. TEM is the most widely used in analyzing defects in semiconductors, but it is necessary for the commercialization of ultra-fine miniaturized devices such as fuel cells, lithium batteries, etc. In addition, it shows wide applicability from biology to brain science as in identifying the protein structure. Unfortunately, in the case of organic and macromolecular nanomaterials, sample preparation is relatively difficult and their vulnerability toward an electron beam results in atomic dislocation and chemical degradation, which makes its interpretation more complex and challenging. That is why the development of customized analytical techniques according to the specimen’s characteristics and stability is urgently needed. We aim to develop a customized specimen protocol suitable for each sample. SO-MAT will interpret yet undiscovered molecular self-assembly behaviors toward multidimensional nanostructures and utilize them to develop next-generation functional nanomaterials.