Soft Matter Nanoscopy Lab
Lee Research Group@GIST
(고분자 나노소재 나노스코피 연구실)
MA3206 Organic Materials Chemistry 3/0/3
For GIST College, Elective
This course is a one-semester overview of organic chemistry for Materials Science and Engineering Majors. Organic chemistry and its associated principles underscore a broad component of the Materials Science and Engineering curriculum. Upon successful completion of this class, students will be expected to secure a basic understanding of, e.g. chemical bonding, classification, structure, nomenclature, reactions, and reaction mechanisms of organic compounds. The synthesis of organic materials such as organic small molecules, polymers, and biomolecules will be also covered. This course can provide a solid foundation in organic chemistry essential for the rational design and synthesis of organic materials.
2018 Spring Semester
2019 Spring Semester
2020 Spring Semester
2021 Spring Semester
2022 Spring Semester
2024 Spring Semester
MS5133 Supramolecular Materials 3/0/3
For Graduate School
This course will cover the major aspects of supramolecular materials in the context of material science and chemistry for advanced students with interdisciplinary interests. It embraces the basics of these materials in terms of their different classes, properties, and applications. Interactive learning as well as fundamental study and thinking approaches are important goals of the course.
2018 Fall Semester
2019 Fall Semester
2020 Fall Semester
2021 Fall Semester
2023 Fall semester
2024 Fall semester
MS5105 Polymer Characterization 1/4/3
For Graduate School
The characterization is essential for the synthesis of organic materials, including polymeric compounds, and examining the structure and physical properties. On the basis of comprehension about the basic principle of each analytic instrument, it is objective for students to learn the basic method of polymer characterization and apply them to improve polymer properties. This class covers the characterization of static and dynamic structures and properties of polymers in solid, melts, and solutions; in bulk, thin films, surfaces and interfaces, membranes, micelles, colloidal dispersions, and single molecules; in the whole length scale ranging from macroscopic to mesoscopic to macroscopic and in the time scale corresponding to the length scale.
2019 Winter Session