2024년 10월 14일 ~ 10월 17일
2024 NTUST-GIST Re-activating Bilateral Symposium for Korea-Taiwan exchange and cooperation was held. It was a place to share the research and technology of each laboratory and advance together. Prof. Eunji Lee presented on the topic, “Exploration of polymeric self-assembly into nanomaterials using spatiotemporal TEM”. Yuyoung Byun announced it as a topic he was researching during his degree period “Supramolecular Self-Healing Binders for High Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries”. 한국-대만 교류협력을 위한 2024 NTUST-GIST Re-activating Bilateral Symposium이 개최되었습니다. 각 연구실의 연구와 기술을 공유하고 함께 발전하는 자리였습니다. 이은지 교수님은 “Exploration of polymeric self-assembly into nanomaterials using spatiotemporal TEM”을 주제로 발표하셨습니다. 변유영 학생은 학생은 학위 기간 동안 연구하던 주제(Supramolecular Self-Healing Binders for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries)로 발표했습니다.
